Kelvin Brown

Kelvin Brown

Peace In Everything

World Peace text printed on wall

Instruments Of The Cosmos How many tunes are being played? We are instruments of the cosmos. From silence comes vibration.From vibration, our instruments resonate,creating our own tune, our own vibration. Each person, each creature,each place, each innate beingplays their tune.…

Christmas Morn

While walking in the street in Paimpont (France - Brittany), it was around midday, I was searching a special photo spot. The place isn’t really big, so finding a good spot could be easy. Then this door appeared. The cloudy sky gave a really good light on this door. Colors were so beautiful with the vivid blue, red and green. Here is the spot I searched.

Ruin There is little timebefore the cracks of conflictacross the whole worldexpand and explode at once. Digital destruction becomesthe final hope of releasefrom forces of fear,from national paranoia. Missiles of deathexchanged amongst nationswill destroy already corrupt,decaying societies,corpses of once proud…

A Soul Life

A Preface In Paradisum – Valsts Akadēmiskais koris Latvija State Choir LATVIJA composer Ēriks Esenvalds, performed by the Latvian choir and written by the Norwegian composer Eriks Esenvalds, is a spiritual work of supreme beauty brilliantly performed causing crying and…

The Passing Of Death

white and black skull figurine on black surface

Death In the transition to another place,death is the carriage once more.Death can take all things but itself,but what is taken is given again. Has the Earth ever died,to be snapped shut in ametal coffin and flunginto the universeand pronounced…


A rock with the word smile on it, surrounded by smileys, to keep spirits up during the COVID pandemic and lockdown.

HAPPINESS Happiness is a word referring to a state of inner being. It is not transitory. Being happy is a state of external, momentary being. True happiness comes from inside a person. Our teacher, Sardeshmukh Maharaj gave a delightful parable…

What Is Peace?

WHAT IS PEACE It is common for people to confuse two words with each other, lonely and loneliness. To be lonely is an internal sense of having no one present, no one to communicate with, and being the only one…

The Price Of Gold

Gold bars

The Price Of Gold Throughout the ages across the world and in all cultures, enlightened teachers have given ethical and behavioural guidelines to enhance our existence in this world. Peace and personal development were the top priorities. It is supposed…

The Road To Peace

Beam of light on a forest road

THE ROAD TO PEACE The road to peace began with peace many thousands of years ago. Words such as Rishi and Vedas from India signify a time of high nobility, a mastery of all matters, a knowledge way beyond what…


Joyful sunset.

You Cannot Paint The Whole World Green Attributed to Sathya Sai Baba (Author), N. Kasturi (Editor), Chinna Katha (Sai Bhavan; Revised edition,1978) There was a millionaire once who was bothered by two aches, one in his stomach and the other…



THE SOUL My first poem Say Nothing has the opening line, ‘Is the world asleep and I the only one awake? Enlightenment does not come from without but from within and what sits within is the life and magic of…